The Past, The Present, The Future of Mon Perin
The begining of Mon Perin
In 2004, the “Mon Perin” citizens’ association was founded in order to return the prestige to Bale-Valle, and to support the municipality in a difficult task of restoring old values to the town and reassessing the wealth of its landscape and culture, with the purpose of development in which all local residents could take part.
The citizens’ association served as a lever that started the awakening of the town which doubted its own potential, and through which the town was taught to see its own value, to take care of itself, to turn toward the future, while at the same time keeping its traditional roots and providing its inhabitants with new opportunities.
The challenge was to create a new identity and to turn Bale Valle into a point of reference for tourism, while preserving natural values and the beauties of the landscape.
Mon Perin nowadays
Developing the Municipality of Bale Valle and improving the lives of the citizens
To contribute to the life of Bale Valle means to enable the families already living here to stay, and to enable new families to choose Bale Valle as a place for their future and the future of their children.
Through the “Plot for one kuna” project, the Foundation helps young families in realising their dream of owning their own home on plots granted in concession by the municipality for the price of 1 kuna.
To contribute to the life of Bale Valle also means to share in the beauty and the values of BaleValle with all those who want to discover them: this is the guiding principle of the Foundation, which, through its work, is launching a number of important projects.
The most important among them is the “scattered hotel” project by which the guests is offered an opportunity to live in the community with local inhabitants and their daily activities.
A part of this “scattered hotel” project is the planned renovation of many historical apartments in the small town.
Additionally, there is a plan for renovation of many homesteads, so called stancije, which were once inhabited and independently managed by Bale Valle families.
Bale Valle has always been and will be a place of inspiring projects realized by the European universities and academies in the fields of design, painting, sculpture and architecture.
Working with international
institutions allows us to cross the borders to showcase Bale Valle at European level and test our strength against renowned rivals.
The Foundation Mon Perin
The belief that the future needs to provide opportunities has motivated the Foundation to connect with Universities in order to use that cooperationto create incentives and ideas for new activities and services from which new work opportunities would arise.
This is the basis for the decision to provide the young people with the opportunity and support to realise their business ideas, to provide funding for new businesses, and to encourage the arrival of new skills and capabilities in Bale Valle.