Explore wild places


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9 km of coast that narrate the story of our untamed nature. There are no hotels or buildings affecting the view. From here, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the Brioni islands, and dream in front of our sunsets.


Sustainable development.

Bale-Valle’s community wants to grow and let everyone enjoy its treasures. However, our idea of tourism follows a sustainable approach. Nature is our number one resource.


Animals to admire.

There’s so much to see in Bale-Valle’s sea. You can see our marine species by doing snorkelling or after taking one of our diving courses.


Mon Grego Hill.

A healthy stroll on a hill where you can see traces of the Earth’s evolution. Mon Grego welcomes you in its wild nature with two edutrails. One dedicated to dinosaurs and the other dedicated to their direct descendants: birds.